Some Small Site Changes

Aug 1

I’ve made a couple of small changes to the site.

I’ve noticed that if people link directly to a single game, they don’t always notice the “Games” button on the side, and don’t realize there are more games on the site. Similarly, since I only have the 3 newest games on the home page people sometimes don’t know those aren’t the only ones. So, I added a large “View All Games” button on the home page under the games list. On the individual game pages I added a small button for each game where the comments used to be.

Which brings me to the next change: I disabled commenting on the games. It was great to get people’s comments on the games, but I was having to weed through a lot of spam. After I started requiring people to log in to comment, I stopped getting comments altogether. So I decided to get rid of them entirely, at least for now.
If you have a comment about one of the games I’d love to hear it.